
My MBA Path

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If this is the #1 quality MBA programs want, how are you showing it?

What do MBA Admissions Committees really want? Ask a group of MBA AdComs to name the number one quality they look for in candidates, and one word will rise to the top: Self-awareness. It’s no coincidence that the entire MBA application process is designed to test this very quality. After all, how else would you answer essays like the HBS one asking, "What experiences have shaped who you are, how you invest in others, and what kind of leader you want to become?" But this leads to an important...

Today, I have both good news and bad news for you, MBA hopefuls. The good news is if you are applying in Round 2, you have four beautiful months ahead of you. Four months to build the strongest MBA application possible. Four months to become an MBA candidate who is competitive and stands out. The bad news? Unlike Round 1, where pushing your application to the next round is a safe bet, there’s no good back up option for Round 2. What’s the best time to kick off your Round 2 MBA applications?...

This last week, I had many conversations with candidates who are eager to submit in Round 1 even though their applications are gently whispering "I'm not ready".From weak test scores to weak answers to "What matters most to you and why?", their applications weren’t quite ready to make the strongest impression. It’s understandable to feel the pressure to apply early But unless you are fully confident this is the strongest possible MBA application you are capable of, please take a deep breath...

This image shows the concept of zooming in and zooming out to assess MBA essays.

“This was incredibly helpful.” Yesterday, I heard that a lot. If you’ve ever worked with me, you’ve likely heard me preach: “We don’t praise our own work!” That’s what I say to candidates who try to sneak “I’ve worked tirelessly” or “My dedication and hard work have allowed me to…” into their essay. But “incredibly helpful” was literally used by Every.Single.Candidate who had a Get Unstuck session with me yesterday. So, I’m allowing myself to break my own rule. Now, the most important part is...

“Wow!” or “Wow…” Let’s be honest. You’ve dreamed of that elusive 'Wow!' moment, haven’t you?" The one where the MBA AdCom sits up, takes notice, and remembers your name. But what if I told you that chasing that 'Wow!' is where many MBA candidates stumble? In their quest to dazzle, they lose sight of what truly matters: authenticity and relevance. MBA admissions committees aren’t impressed by theatrics—they’re looking for depth. They want to see your real track record, not a performative...

Creating an outstanding MBA essay is an art of omission. What you leave out is as important as what you leave in. Your job is to NOT throw shovelfuls of details at the MBA AdCom reader. Your job is to mercilessly remove the details that weigh your narrative down and let the “so what” shine through. This goes for each individual sentence, each paragraph, and your overall story. What will be judged is your judgment – what you choose as an answer, how that answer is conveyed. The Competitive...

One of the advantages of working with an MBA admissions consultant is understanding how other aspiring MBAs are approaching the process – and how you compare. My goal with this weekly email is to give you, my reader, insights into the MBA admissions process that help you build a stronger application even if you never purchase any service. And if the recent rumors that yours truly, aka Petia Whitmore, the founder of My MBA Path, was just ranked as a Top 10 MBA Admissions Consultant in the...

The Fast Track to the Deny Pile MBA AdComs have to read hundreds of MBA applications every round. Do you know the surest way to bore them to death (or at least to "deny")? Write sentences like this: “Therefore, on a day-to-day basis, I am absorbed in managing customer projects of varying magnitude, ensuring that work aligns with organizational capabilities and/or risk mitigation policy, working to ensure and maintain compliance, pinpointing and fulfilling coaching needs of my employees, and...

Killing your darlings left and right… “In writing, you must kill all your darlings,” William Faulkner famously wrote, alerting aspiring belletrists that the process of self-editing demands a certain measure of stoicism and the ability to suppress natural attachments to your own words. But, oh, the kicking and screaming that sometimes ensues when I tell an MBA candidate that many of the bullet points they painstakingly wrote for their resume will have to go. Selecting the most notable of your...

“My name is not Susan,” Whitney Houston once sang. Or, more recently, “my name is not Sarah.” Technology can be both a friend and a foe. Most of the time, we’re on great terms. But sometimes, like this morning, an erroneous email told you that you have just five days to claim your discount for a custom package. Oops! When Not to Trust Your First Instinct When the first alert about the mistake came in, I went into full damage control mode. I wanted to email you and beg you to either laugh it...