Zoom In, Zoom Out: Critical Strategies for MBA Application Success

“This was incredibly helpful.”

Yesterday, I heard that a lot.

If you’ve ever worked with me, you’ve likely heard me preach: “We don’t praise our own work!” That’s what I say to candidates who try to sneak “I’ve worked tirelessly” or “My dedication and hard work have allowed me to…” into their essay.

But “incredibly helpful” was literally used by Every.Single.Candidate who had a Get Unstuck session with me yesterday. So, I’m allowing myself to break my own rule.

Now, the most important part is not what they said, but why.

These Get Unstuck sessions were a powerful breakthrough for the candidates. They were able to gain clarity, conviction, and a massive upgrade to their MBA application blueprint.

How did I do it?

For those 60 minutes to become a power hour, two things need to happen: Zooming In and Zooming Out.

Zooming Out: Strategic Alignment

When I zoom out, I use my experience as a former Dean of MBA Admissions to take a broad, strategic view of your entire application. I evaluate how well the dots connect between your resume and essays, and whether your narrative is compelling and cohesive. It’s about ensuring that the big picture tells a story that’s not only true to you but also resonates with the MBA AdComs. Are your essays aligned with your career goals? Is your story consistent and relevant? Is your leadership track record presented with clarity and impact?

Zooming In: Tactical Precision

Equally important is my ability to zoom in and focus on the finer details. In just 60 minutes, I pinpoint areas for improvement and offer tactical advice that makes a real difference. Whether it’s reframing a key point, reordering paragraphs for a more powerful flow, or tightening transitions to maintain momentum, these adjustments can elevate your application from good to exceptional.

The combination of these two powerful actions —strategic alignment and tactical precision—is how I help MBA candidates set themselves apart.

Seeing the powerful boost this week’s sessions provided, I’ve opened up another tiny handful of slots in September.

This will be your final chance to refine both the big picture and the crucial details for any Round 1 deadlines. If you’re serious about making sure your application hits the mark, this is your moment.

But what if you are interested in working with me in Round 2?

Because I give all prospective candidates the ability to speak with me directly, instead of filtering them through a salesperson, the wait for a free consultation is currently longer. And since I was ranked as one of the 10 best MBA admissions consultants in the world this month, the volume of candidates who want to work with me has increased even more. If your goal is to be one of the only dozen candidates I’ll work with in Round 2, you’d better grab your spot now.

How about the group coaching service, MBA ABC?

MBA Application Boost Camp (MBA ABC) will open one last time this year in October – just in time for all Round 2 candidates who can’t afford to work with me 1:1. Those seats will be limited too – and the first to be notified will be the candidates on the invite list. If you know you want to be one of them, get on that priority list right now.

Onwards and upwards,


My MBA Path

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