Gearing up for Round 2

Today, I have both good news and bad news for you, MBA hopefuls.

The good news is if you are applying in Round 2, you have four beautiful months ahead of you. Four months to build the strongest MBA application possible. Four months to become an MBA candidate who is competitive and stands out.

The bad news? Unlike Round 1, where pushing your application to the next round is a safe bet, there’s no good back up option for Round 2.

What’s the best time to kick off your Round 2 MBA applications?

Yesterday. But the next best time is today.

What should you aim for? Two things: being competitive and compelling.

What makes a candidate competitive AND compelling?

The thing many MBA candidates don't realize is how often a “deny” is not a result of a major miss. It’s someone else having a 10% edge. Heck, it might even be 5%. Or less.

But where do your competitors get that edge?

A clearer and more evidence-supported career vision.

A simple but compelling leadership story.

A fire in their belly that comes from believing in their ability to be the kind of student, teammate, and leader the school looks for.

Bonus good news

Part of my mission is to keep you, the MBA candidates who invite me into your Inbox, updated on the latest MBA Admissions trends.

With data about the cycle that just concluded starting to become available, we know for a fact that applications went up.

But trends are always shifting. Applications go up, then they go down.

My prediction for the 2024-2025 MBA admission cycle?

It’s that the main reason MBA candidates get denied will be even more amplified.

What’s that reason, you ask?

A weak, unsubstantiated career vision.

Relying too much on a promise of what you will do than leaning on your track record.

Another piece of news (you decide if it’s good or bad)

More and more MBA candidates choose to work with an MBA admissions consultant.

Why might that be?

Because they recognize that having a thought partner, especially when that's an expert ranked as one of the Top 10 MBA Admissions consultants worldwide, maximizes their odds:

How can you benefit from my MBA AdCom expertise?

As a former dean of MBA admissions turned founder of My MBA Path, I deliver boutique MBA admissions consulting services, designed to meet you where you are and take you where you need to go:

Get Unstuck: A focused, one-hour session for immediate support on specific challenges like essays or interview prep.

The Tune Up: A three-hour deep dive for enhancing key application components, including strategy and essay review.

Nose To Tail: Comprehensive guidance through the entire MBA application process, from school selection to final submission, interviews, and scholarship negotiations.

MBA ABC: A 10-week interactive program with weekly live sessions and comprehensive resume and essays review and feedback

Are you ready to uncover your 10% edge?

Onwards and upwards,


My MBA Path

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